My Morning Routine – For The Working Girl

Hello you, and welcome to inside the mind of an Obsessive Compulsive Designer

Today I wanted to share my morning routine for all you working girls out there who know my struggle. The eternal conflict of getting in as much sleep as possible while also having enough time to make myself look presentable. It’s not glamorous by any means but that’s reality!

6:00 am – Alarm

The worst part of the day…

6:00 am to 7:00 am – YouTube Videos

I take a long time to wake up, longer than I’d like to admit. YouTube helps 🙂 It’s the part of my morning that I look forward to and what actually keeps my eyes open!

7:00 am – Morning Drink – hot water and lemon

I’ve been trying to incorporate a new habit in my morning routine. I juiced a quarter of a lemon and combine it with some hot water. The benefits of starting your morning with this drink are many, I’ll leave a link here explaining a few.

7:00 am to 7:20 am – Make-up & Hair

I’ve got this down to a science and can conquer my look in twenty minutes. I was the type of girl who definitely took an hour to get ready in high school. College taught me many things, including sleep is better than a long morning routine.

7:20 am to 7:25 am – Outfit

I normally plan out my outfits in my head the night before so I know exactly what to throw on in the morning. I prefer sleeping in more than trying on a million different outfits.

7:25 am to 7:30 am – Smoothie & Tea

My new ninja makes this process so easy! I’ll link a couple different smoothie recipes here that I like to bounce back and forth with. I always brew some of my green tea for a natural (much needed) caffeine boost.

7:30 am to 7:35 am – Lunch

Nothing extravagant, normally a wrap or a pita with plenty of fruits and veggies!

7:35 am – Out the Door


I hope you all enjoyed a little sneak peek into my weekday mornings. I’ll never be a morning person but I have gotten better over the years. You can now actually speak to me before 8 am without receiving a snarky comeback. (All progress is good progress!) Comment below and let me know what your favorite part of your morning routine is!

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