How To Judge If A Company Is The Right Fit

Hello you, and welcome to inside the mind of an Obsessive Compulsive Designer.

Job searching is hard enough; however, by far the hardest part is after you’ve been offered the position (or multiple positions). You can accept any job you’re offered but the key to work space bliss is accepting the right job for you. It can be really difficult to determine what exactly your preferred work environment is but hopefully the following list will be a good guideline.

Ask yourself a series of questions and see what is important to you and what your feelings are :

  1. What is the size of the company?
  2. How many people do you interact with on a daily basis?
  3. Who is your superior?
  4. How do you envision your relationship with your superior?
  5. How do you envision your relationship with your coworkers?
  6. Is the environment fun? Stuffy? Corporate? Unique?
  7. Are you getting to do what you love in this new position?
  8. Do you see the possibility to grow and better your skills here?
  9. Does this company promote from within or do they outside hire?
  10. If this isn’t your dream job, will this job get you closer to where you want to be long term?

If you can answer those ten questions, you will have a very good grasp on whether or not you’ll enjoy working for a company. Don’t get discouraged if some of your answers don’t favor the company you’re considering. Odds are, you won’t find your 100% perfect company right away. That will take time and experimenting with different positions to settle on a job you really do enjoy, in an environment that you love.

Leave me a comment below and tell me if you considered any of these questions when accepting your current job. If not, would it have benefited?
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